Friday, July 15, 2011

End of an Era

10 years ago, I watched the 1st Harry Potter movie “Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone”. Now 7 movies and 7 books after, I bid adieu to another bit of my childhood. In the last 10 years many things have changed but the Potter series was one of the constants.

To be very honest, I never was going to read the books. The movies were doing it just fine for me. Emma Watson was more or less the reason why I watched the movies initially. Then after the Goblet of Fire (the movie) came out, I was at my friends place and she started talking about how awesome the books were. And she asked me what I think of them. I told her point blank that I haven’t read any books and nor I am going to read them….EVER! I also told her that I watch the movies because of Emma Watson. She gave me Order of the Phoenix to read. 700 odd pages. I was like when will I ever read it. But she made me promise that I have to atleast give it a try. Two days and 700 pages later, I was a Potter maniac. And then I started reading the books one by one and I came to realise how much better the books were from the movies. The movies never showed it all!

The whole series is quite a reflection on many things relevant: The good v/s evil, friendships, sacrifices, first crushes, love and heartbreaks. The Harry-Ron-Hermione friendship has to be one of the best examples of friendships today. They have gone through their ups and downs but never let go of each other. Maybe Ron, in the 7th book leaves them, but he more than makes up for it by saving Harry’s life. One of the things which J.K.Rowling did different from the other authors was that Hermione ended up with Ron and not Harry. The sidekick never gets the girl..NEVER! The romantic angle between Ron and Hermione was build up throughout the series and finally culminated in the last few chapters of the last book.

My favourite character from the series is Ron. I see a lot of my traits in me. Another character which I really like in the whole series is that of Severus Snape. He has to be one of the best if not the best Anti-Hero of our generation. He did everything in his power to protect Harry and Harry realised it in the end and that’s why named his son Albus Severus Potter. Another character which constantly grew during the series was Neville Longbottom. From a fat chubby kid to leading the DA in his 7th book. If you catch the last instalment on screen, you will realise that Neville’s the man! The scene in which he kills Nagini is one of the highpoints of the movie. People were actually cheering for Neville in the theatre.

It has been a truly amazing ride for me in the Potter Universe and today it’s all over. There won’t be another movie or a book. I am really going to miss it.

Farewell Hogwarts! You will always be remembered!

And thank you J.K.Rowling for giving us the Potter Universe! It was quite a ride!!

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Ravi said...
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